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Tuesday, October 7, 2014

RiRi Hearts MAC: A Daring and Stylish Approach to Femininity

Apart from enjoying a very well deserved wold-wide reputation for her musical career and clothing lines, Rihanna venturedinto the world of cosmetics with several make-up collections that drove her fans crazy and confirmed once again Rihanna’s creativity.

Rihanna teamed up with the renowned MAC Cosmetics, and informed her fans of this new endeavour via Twitter: ‘That’s right baby, I’m a #MACgal now!’. The announcement was made on her 25th birthday, creating huge expectations towards her make-up releases and keeping her fans excited and anxious to see what would come of this collaboration. Her first release was a red lipstick, called RiRi Woo, a re-make of the original MAC lipstick Ruby Woo. It was a huge success and it sold out in a matter of minutes, leaving fans craving for more and more! 

Her next release, the Summer Collection, was a big hit! Apart from the RiRi Woolipstick, the new collection included two new lipsticks (Heaux and RiRi Boy), a highlighter called Rose Gold Lustre Drops and a bronze-coral Powder Blush Duo.  Adding her own vision and creativity to the quality of the MAC products, her next release, the Fall 2013 Collection, featured eyeliners, mascara, a lip-glass, brushes and lashes, eye-shadows, a pro long-wear lip pencil, and new tones of lipsticks. Useless to say it was also a huge success and fans all over the world hurried to be the first to buy her products! 

Girl, we love your style and personality and we look forward to having a glance at your next releases! Keep surprising us the way you’ve always done!

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